Terms and Conditions of Hire

Lucas Hall Management – Conditions of Use and Hire

CORRESPONDENCE – correspondence should be addressed to  The Booking Clerk at lucashallwaldron@gmail.com.  The address of the Hall is Lucas Memorial Hall, Waldron, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 0RB

BOOKINGS – All Bookings must be made on an official Booking Form, which can be found on the website .All Bookings are accepted at the discretion of the Management at the time of booking and must be paid for at the time of booking. Payment to be either by cheques made payable to Lucas Hall Management or by BACS payment to the Lucas Memorial Hall bank account. Submission of the Booking Form shall constitute acceptance of these Conditions.
PURPOSE OF HIRE –The premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any manner other than that stated on the Booking Form and agreed by the Management. The premises shall not be sub-let to another person or organisation.
REGULATIONS – All users of the Hall are bound by the Conditions of Use and Hire laid out in this document. The decision of the Management in interpreting the Conditions is final.
DEPOSIT – A deposit of £75.00 either by BACS to the Lucas Hall bank account or by separate cheque will be required at the time of booking. This will be refunded in full provided the premises are left in a clean and tidy condition and there is no damage to premises or equipment, or any disruption or annoyance to the lives of people who live nearby.


  • By Hirer: All cancellations must be in writing and emailed to lucashallwaldron@gmail.com. In instances where less than 28 days’ notice is given, the booking fee will be retained unless an alternative booking for that hire period is received.
  • By Management: If for reasons beyond the control of the Management, the Management is unable to provide the facilities on the Hire Date, the booking will be cancelled and all hire charges and any deposits will be refunded in full. This shall be the limit of the Management’s liability.

The Hirer will be responsible for:

  • ensuring that no undesirable person(s) shall enter the premises;
  • ensuring that sufficient responsible persons are in attendance and provide supervision at the function. There must be at least one male and one female responsible person at any party involving minors and at least one adult for every 10 minors present. The legal limit for the Hall is 100 people.
  • ensuring that any activities for children under eight years of age comply with the provisions of The Children Act of 1989 and that only fit and proper persons who have passed the appropriate DBS checks have access to the children (checks may also apply where children over eight and vulnerable adults are taking part in activities). The Hirer shall provide the Management Committee with a copy of their Child Protection Policy on request.
  • obtaining any consents and licences as may be necessary for the purpose of the hire.
  • ensuring that the relevant regulations regarding the Premises Licence (see below) are complied with for any function that is open to the general public.
  • ensuring that there is no infringement of copyright during the period of the hire and that the requirements of the Performing Rights Society Limited in relation to musical works are complied with;
  • ensuring that any electrical appliance used in the premises shall be safe and in good working order and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. They should be PAT tested. Where a residual circuit breaker is provided the hirer must make use of it in the interests of public safety.
  • any damage caused to the premises or equipment during the period of hire and as a result of the hire shall pay to the Management on demand any costs incurred in making good such damage. No decorations are to be pinned, tacked, stuck, Blutacked or otherwise attached to the walls, doors or beams, except using the hooks provided.
  • ensuring that in order to avoid disturbing neighbours to the hall and to prevent violent or criminal behaviour, care shall be taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. Drunk and disorderly behaviour shall not be permitted, either on the premises or in its immediate vicinity. Alcohol shall only be served in line with current licencing legislation. Any person suspected of being drunk, under the influence of drugs or who is behaving in a violent or disorderly way shall be asked to leave the premises. No illegal drugs may be brought onto the premises.
  •  immediately notifying the Police of any criminal damage or anti-social behaviour occurring on the premises during the period or hire and notifying the Management of the crime report number, if applicable, during 3 working days of the period of hire;
  •  ensuring no gaming, betting games or lotteries shall be carried on in the premises in contravention of the Betting Games and Lotteries Acts;
  •  ensuring that all Fire Exit signs are switched on and all exit doors are unlocked and unobstructed.
  •  their own Health and Safety and must sign that they have read the Health and Safety Document, which is also displayed in the Hall
  • using the security chain on the door to prevent intruders entering when children are in the Hall.
  • leaving the Hall premises clean and tidy with the floor swept, all rubbish bags from toilets, kitchen and Hall removed to the bins outside, all crockery and cutlery washed and put away and all kitchen surfaces cleaned.
  • ensuring that any windows which have been unlocked and opened during the hiring, have been locked before leaving the Hall.

The Licence for the Hall requires that any public entertainment finishes by 23.00 hours. For certain performances, 21 days’ notice must be given to the Licensing Authority, the Chief Fire Officer and the Chief Officer of Police.
The Hall holds a PRS (Performing Rights Society) licence, but if any hirer needs a PPL (Phonographic performance Ltd) licence, they need to obtain it for themselves.
SMOKING – No smoking is allowed in any part of the Hall. No Smoking notices are displayed and failure to comply with this Condition may result in the loss of your deposit.
THE HEALTH AND SAFETY MANUAL is in the Store Cupboard, situated between the cloakroom door and the main window. Any incidents involving personal injury during your period of hire must be entered on an accident report form in the file, and the form given to Monica Dexter. The First-aid kit is kept at the top of the cupboard behind the kitchen door. The hirer should have a qualified first-aider present throughout the period of the hire.
INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE – The Hirer shall be liable for and indemnify the Management against any liability, loss, claim or proceedings however arising as a result of the hiring. The Hirer may consider it prudent to effect insurance against potential liability arising from the hire.
CHANGE OF REGULATIONS – The Management reserves the right to amend these Conditions of Use and Hire at any time and the Conditions in force shall be those applying at the date of hire.
COMPLAINT – Any complaint by the Hirer in respect of use of the Hall shall be made to the Management in writing within 7 days of the date of the hiring and addressed to the correspondence address shown at above.

EQUIPMENT –The Management accepts no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought on or left on the premises, and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded. All equipment and other property (other than agreed stored equipment) must be removed at the end of each hiring, or fees will be charged for each day or part of a day at the hire fee rate until they are removed. The Lucas Hall Management Committee may use its discretion to dispose of any such items after seven days by sale or otherwise on such terms as it thinks fit and charge the Hirer any costs incurred in storing or selling or otherwise disposing of the same.
SECURITY – Would all users of the premises ensure that they do not leave packages or parcels behind at the end of their hiring period.